Polskie Towarzystwo Genetyki Konserwatorskiej LUTREOLA na 32 Mustelid Colloquium

16 listopad 2017 r.


Plakat promujący działalność Polskiego Towarzystwa Genetyki Konserwatorskiej LUTREOLA zaprezentowany został podczas 32nd Mustelid Colloquium, największego wydarzenia naukowego poświęconego badaniom i ochronie łasicowatych. Konferencja odbywa się w dniach 15-17 listopada 2017 r. w Lyonie (Francja) i zorganizowane zostało przez Le Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive (The University Claude Bernard Lyon1-CNRS), Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage oraz The Vincent Wildlife Trust.

W Kolokwium udział bierzez blisko 120 delegatów z 13 krajów, a jego program obejmuje 25 prelekcji oraz 28 plakatów naukowych.

Streszczenie plakatu Polskiego Towarzystwa Genetyki Konserwatorskiej LUTREOLA:

Scientific activity of the Polish Society for Conservation Genetics LUTREOLA and conservation of the critically endangered European mink

J. Skorupski1

Polish Society for Conservation Genetics LUTREOLA

Keywords: Conservation genetics, European mink, Mustela lutreola, species conservation, applied science.

The Polish Society for Conservation Genetics LUTREOLA (www.lutreola.pl) is the first in Poland, and one of the first in the world; a scientific association dedicated exclusively to conservation genetics. The society’s mission is to stop biotic diversity decline by initiating and supporting development of conservation genetics and to achieve its practical application in nature conservation. The society emerged from a demand of understandable and unequivocal definition of conservation genetics and its conceptual apparatus, especially in view of poor recognition of this branch of science in Poland. The aim of the society is primarily scientific activity supporting conservation genetics development and practical application of research results. One of the target species is the European mink, Mustela lutreola, one of the most endangered mammal species in the world, in 2016 listed as ‘Critically Endangered’ on the IUCN Red List. To address the dramatic situation of the species, the Polish Society for Conservation Genetics LUTREOLA, in cooperation with the Institute for Research on Biodiversity of the University of Szczecin, the West Pomeranian University of Technology and the Green Federation “GAIA”, has initiated a research project dedicated to its conservation genomics. The aim of the project is to collect DNA samples from as many as possible preserved and extinct populations of the species, analysis of genetic diversity of the species, based on population and comparative genomics, development of tools enabling application of obtained results in increasing effectiveness of current and planned restitution activities (conservation breeding, reintroduction programmes, maintenance of the genetic fitness of recreated and vanishing populations). The society invites all individuals and institutions working on European mink conservation to cooperation, in the belief that only combined and coordinated efforts of all stakeholders enable the conservation of species on the edge of extinction. To popularize its research activities dedicated to European mink conservation, the society declared 31st March as European Mink Day. This grassroots initiative has a
symbolic dimension and aims to raise public awareness on progressive extinction of this species and
to encourage appropriate remedial actions.

Więcej informacji na stronie 32nd Mustelid Colloquium: www.32mustelidscol.sciencesconf.org.

Księga streszczeń wystąpień i plakatów konferencyjnych: www.32mustelidscol.sciencesconf.org/data/pages/Book_of_Abstracts_32EMC_2.pdf.

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